Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arkansas Ozarks Vacation -- Day 3

Here's a T-shirt in a store in Eureka Springs, proving that the people in Arkansas both know their reputation and have a sense of humor...
Eureka Springs is filled with quaint shops, little cafes and restaurants, and art galleries. But the narrow, winding, hilly streets make it very hard to get a photo that captures the flavor of the town. Here is one attempt, looking north from across the street from the Basin Park Hotel...
A sad sign of the times...

One of the many decorated springs around town...

And here's another, with a gazebo built over it.
And one more.  There are dozens about town.
For dinner we ate at Emilio's, an Italian restaurant in this quaint old house.
Some outdoor art, in the parking lot of Emilio's, the "Mona Lamina."

1 comment:

  1. As the creator of Mona Lamina I can give you a few facts:
    The panel is 6'-5" high by 5'-3" wide.
    It is made up of 1,312 individual pieces of color sample laminate chips.
    It took three months to complete.
    The color break-down was done on computer.
    Bill Westerman
